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    is a somewhat lower take-off place on the same crest as Las Nieves located at N29°04.848' W013°33.424' with an overheight of 280m. It is found southwest of Las Nieves and acceptable wind directions are 300-360 degrees.

 Landing place and hill near Famara beaches

    The nearest landing strip is below the crest near the road at N29°05.114' W013°34.352'. Landing is possible only below the crest, but off the landing area there are small throrny bushes which won't hurt you but unravelling parachute cords from them can ruin a pilot's entire afternoon. More pleasant landing alternatives are available on the beach at Famara, 3km further on.

 Famara beaches

Internet on Lanzarote
    Good news for those who have become so addicted to technology that they can go without food and water but not without the internet. We didn't find an internet cafe as such, but public access to the internet can be found in the capital city of Arrecife in Calle Coronel Bens. It runs perpendicular to the main street and starts right at the shore. After about 100m you find on the left side at position N28°57.579' W013°33.148' a small computer store called "Redes". Here they courteously sit you down at one of three computers, apologize for not having any coffee and after an hour ask you for 1100 PTS.

    A little unpleasant is the Spanish keyboard. A subtle attempt at installing a Czech or even English keyboard failed. I at least managed to change their defaul home page to what other than, "".

Mirador del Rio
    belongs also to one of the most beautiful terrains on the island of Lanzarote. It is found in the northernmost fringe of the island at N29°13.195' W013°28.414' with an overheight of about 380m and acceptable wind directions at 0-80 degrees. The crest below the runway falls straight down into the sea, where the waves of the Atlantic break with great crashes against the cliffs. For a pilot from the Beskydy mountains it is an enthralling sight.

 Mirador del Rio cliff

    Landing is possible on the soccer field at position N29°13.060' W013°27.232'. Although there is ample space around the field, it is best to land right on the field to avoid problems with those familiar thorny bushes.

    In case of emergency it is possible to land on the small beach directly under the cliff. It is approximately 100m long, but its width changes with the tides.

 Soccer field under Mirador del Rio

Is it Worth It ?!
    Lanzarote is truly a very beautiful and unusual corner of our planet. Czechs may find the beauty somewhat unusual. Instead of picturesque forests with moss and babbling brooks, they'll find cliffs, sand and rocks covered in dry brush, cactuses, here and there a palm tree, fields of lava and the everpresent fine sand blowing in the strong winds and getting into every cranny and crevice.


    The advertising materials of the travel agencies claim that on average there is only one rainy day in January. We had two right off the bat. Following also two unflyable days because of the southeast winds off the Sahara, exceeding 100km/h and blowing up a sandstorm. On Lanzarote the wind is affectionately called Tiempo del Sur or Scirocco and the fine-grained sand with bits of lava flies through the air at such speeds that going out with any part of your body left uncovered is nonsense. We took a trip to the shore, where I attempted to fotograph that amazing and dramatic theater. Amongst the flying bits of lava, sand, ocean spray and strong gusts of wind I was unable to set up my camera. I was glad to make it back to the car, which had stayed in place only because of the weight of our wives within, after 15 minutes, and thanks to them the car managed to stay on the road on the way back to the hotel.

    Some Czechs know that among the 15 Czechs who live and work on Lanzarote is one paraglider pilot named Jarda Jindra, who momentarily surfs and dives in his spare time.

 Hotel Las Marinas

    I would like to thank him once more for his kindness and finding an Opel Corsa for us for an unbelievable 3,300 Czech Crowns for a whole week, and provided invaluable information about runways and weather curiosities. Jarda now lives in the city of Arricife, but is soon planning on moving to the northwest shore, to the beach at Famara. Nonetheless his cell phone number is +34 676 776799. He'll gladly help any of our countrymen who visit those regions.

 Jarda Jindra

    Those who know Jarda Jindra know how long its possible to talk to him for and how much good alcohol you can drink while doing it. So Jarda, here's to that apartamento with the ocean view and "Long Live to Lanzarote!", certainly this wasn't our last visit ...

Detailed information about the take off places on Lanzarote can be found in the Flying landscapes section.

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