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How To Change a Pilot's Sexual Life Once and For All
For men only !

author unknown

    Female readers please leave this page without delay !

    These humble and very simple instructions can, free of charge, change a pilot's sex life from its very foundations.

What to do ?
    Send a copy of this letter to seven of your best friends - pilots.

    Before sending the letter, cross off the first name on the list at the end of the letter, and add your name to the bottom of the list.

    Pack your wife or girlfriend into a large box (don't forget holes in the lid so she doesn't suffocate) and send the box to the person whose name is first on the list.

And that's all !
    The moment you yourself get to the top of the list, you will receive by mail 823,543 large boxes with air holes in the lids. In accordance with normal statistics this shipment of women must include at least 1/2 Miss Switzerland, 2.5 models,463 nymphomaniacs, 3,234 very perverted women, at least 20,198 multi-orgasmiIc women and 40,396 bi-sexual women. That's altogether 64,294 women who are 100% hotter than the drudge you sent off !

And the best for last
    You can be absolutely sure, your wife will not be among the shipment !

Whatever you do, do not break the chain !!!
    A pilot that sent this letter to five friends instead of seven, got back in the mail his own wife including her sloppy robe and constant migraines. Simultaneously the model he had received in a previous shipment moved to his best friend from school years (to whom, incidentally, he did not send a copy).

    Before you finish copying this letter, a pilot 6 notches above you on the list has enjoyed 837 women and is lying exhausted in the hospital. In the meantime 452 more boxes have accummulated in front of his house door !

All it takes is patience !!!
    Don't think twice about it and send this chain letter today to seven of your best friends.

    That's strange! The list seems to be missing ...

    Weren't you just here a little while ago !?

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